Antennas are our primary strength. Below is a listing of our antenna capabilities, and the various types of antennas we are can support our customers with. Within our Commercial-Off-The-Shelf listing, links are provided to our other website containing COTS antennas and semi-custom products we sell and offer. Please feel free to contact us with any specific request.
- Efficient miniature antennas
- Broadband omnidirectionals (multi-octave)
- Broadband directionals (multi-octave)
- Broadband broadside radiators (linear and circular polarization)
- Multi-polarized antennas (2 to 4 polarizations)
- Intelligent, adaptive and active antenna systems
- Unusually shaped radiating structures
- Broadband and multi-band antennas with stable patterns
- Autonomous antenna and RF systems
Embedded antennas for OEM products 50 MHz-40 GHz
- Single resonance (band) Whips
- Multiple resonance (band) Whips
- Broadbanded (wideband) Whip antennas
- High gain Whips
- Through-the-glass/windshield radiators
- Strongly frequency selective Whip antennas for high noise environments
- Dipoles and Monopoles
- Turnstiles (Crossed Dipoles or X-Wings)
- Helicals and Helices (Unifilar, Bifilar and Quadrifilar)
- Inverted-F (PIFA) and Embedded Radiating Structures
- Slot, Vivaldi and Printed Radiators
- Loops and Magnetic Dipoles (Any geometry: circular, square, triangular, polygonal)
- Spirals, Conical Spirals and Frequency Independent Structures
- Discone, Bowtie and Biconical Dipoles
- Arrays:
- Parasitic (Yagi-Uda, etc.)
- Curtain (Bobtail, Bisquare, Bruce, Sterba, etc.)
- Phased (Linear, Circular, etc.)
- Logarithmic-Periodic
- Reflector (Corner, Conical, Parabolic, etc.)
- Colinear
- Hybrid
You may visit our COTS Storefront for existing antennas at Links to some main headings are provided below for convenience.